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FPX Junction

Released: 2022-09-07

Core Updates and New Features

  • Authorization Server (AS) now provides an OAuth 2.1 interface to configured clients to fulfill an authorization flow.

    • Authorization Server and Resource Server Adapter (RSA) - OIDC now supports the most common OAuth Grant Types:
        - Authorization Code
        - Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
        - Client Credentials
        - Refresh Token
  • AS and Wallet Server (WS) are configurable via enhanced admin APIs, offering administrators greater flexibility and ease of use. Configuration abilities include:

    • Configuration of Network Partners
    • Configuration of Network Constants
    • Configuration of Capabilities
    • Localization support
  • General vulnerability fixes across AS, Wallet, and RSA OIDC

Wallet as a Verifiable Credentials Holder

In support of the emerging data standards and Self-Sovereign Identity, both within Canada and internationally, the IDENTOS FPX Wallet now supports APIs to hold World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) compatible Verifiable Credentials, as well as W3C Decentralized Identifiers in support of Verifiable Credentials.

The FPX Wallet was designed with standards conformance in mind and meets all of the requirements for the popular emerging standard known as Aries Interop Profile 2.

The solution includes:

  • Receiving, accepting, and establishing incoming Verifiable Credential connections using the DIDComm encrypted standard. These connections can either be established through a link to an FPX service or through an out-of-band channel (i.e. QR Code).
  • Ability for connections to Issuers and Verifiers to be auto accepted once the end-user scans a QR code or clicks a link offered by the Issuer/Verifier.
  • Receiving, viewing, and accepting or rejecting Credential Offers.
  • Receiving, storing, and viewing of Verifiable Credentials.
  • Handling of expired or revoked Credentials.
  • Receiving, viewing, and accepting or rejecting Credential Presentation Requests (or “Proof Requests”).
  • Presentation of Verifiable Credentials, including selective disclosure of minimal data attributes.
  • Viewing the history of the previous presentation of Verifiable Credentials.

IDENTOS Developer Documentation

Complementing the new administrative APIs, conformance enhancements & Verifiable Credentials is the updated developer documentation including templated examples for administrators.

  • OAuth integration for configured OAuth Clients
    • Developer documentation describes OAuth integration, specifically how an administrator will configure the OAuth client at the Authorization Server, and Client integration steps
  • Authorization Server Admin API & Wallet Server Admin API
    • Developer documentation includes a step-by-step guide on how to configure an FPX instance using the AS & WS Admin APIs
  • Wallet as a Verifiable Credentials Holder
    • Developer documentation provides a breakdown of the flows related to the use of Verifiable Credentials with the FPX Wallet fulfilling the role of a Holder.
    • Developer documentation includes configuration steps required to set up the FPX Wallet as a Holder.