2 | 02.001.001 | "IdpAuthenticator with ID [{0}] was not found." |
3 | 02.001.002 | "Wallet Account does not have authenticator of type IDP." |
3 | 02.001.003 | "Unable to parse verified sources metadata." |
2 | 02.001.004 | "Unable to authenticate to wallet using JWT Authentication: {0}." |
2 | 02.002.001 | "AuthorizationServerAccount for Wallet Account with ID [{0}] was not found." |
3 | 02.002.002 | "AuthorizationServer with ID [{0}] was not found." |
3 | 02.002.003 | "AuthorizationServer was not found for OAuth Client with ID [{0}]." |
3 | 02.002.004 | "Unable to revoke permissions at AS" |
3 | 02.002.005 | "Unable to complete transaction at the AS/Wallet." |
2 | 02.003.001 | "No claim for the transaction id [{0}]." |
2 | 02.003.002 | "authorization_pending" |
2 | 02.003.003 | "This Incoming Claims Request has not yet been claimed" |
1 | 02.003.004 | "Wallet Session of the request is not the same as the Wallet Session that claimed this Incoming Claims Request" |
2 | 02.003.005 | "Incoming Claims Request was found, but was already used." |
2 | 02.003.006 | "Permission code/Authorization code is expired" |
2 | 02.003.007 | "Permission code [{0}] is invalid" |
2 | 02.003.008 | "Transaction locked: Too many incorrect codes were submitted for this transaction" |
2 | 02.003.009 | "Request denied by user" |
2 | 02.004.001 | "Could not find a DataSourceAccount with ID [{0}]." |
2 | 02.004.002 | "Wallet Account with ID [{0}] has no associated DataSourceAccounts." |
2 | 02.004.003 | "Datasource account is registered to another wallet account." |
2 | 02.004.004 | "Datasource account with ID [{0}] is disabled." |
2 | 02.004.005 | "Cannot rename datasource account nickname to [{0}] as it already exists." |
3 | 02.004.006 | "Unable to create Resource Tokens at the RS/Wallet." |
2 | 02.004.007 | "Data source with ID [{0}] was not found." |
2 | 02.004.008 | "Data source was not found for OAuth provider [{0}]." |
2 | 02.004.009 | "Invalid DataSourceType provided." |
2 | 02.004.010 | "The Data Source ID [{0}] is not valid. This value must be an integer." |
2 | 02.005.001 | "EnrolledClient with identifier [{0}] was not found." |
2 | 02.005.002 | "EnrolledRs for AuthorizationServer with ID [{0}] was not found." |
2 | 02.005.003 | "EnrolledRs with identifier [{0}] for AuthorizationServer [{1}] was not found." |
2 | 02.006.001 | "Organization with ID [{0}] was not found." |
3 | 02.007.001 | "Unable to delete user account. {0}" |
3 | 02.008.001 | "No access to a permission with ID [{0}]" |
3 | 02.008.002 | "The Resource and the Client are enrolled at different authorization servers" |
3 | 02.008.003 | "The Resource [{0}] cannot contain the granted scope [{1}]" |
2 | 02.009.001 | "ResourceDefinition with identifier [{0}] was not found." |
2 | 02.009.002 | "Resource Definition with ID [{0}] does not have a [{1}] scope" |
2 | 02.010.001 | "Scope [{0}] not found." |
2 | 02.011.001 | "rs_resource with ID [{0}] not registered" |
2 | 02.011.002 | "RS Resource with ID [{0}] does not have a [{1}] scope." |
3 | 02.012.001 | "Unable to create URI." |
3 | 02.013.001 | "Resource Owner Token for datasourceaccount with ID [{0}] is expired or not found" |
3 | 02.014.001 | "The resource owner token from a datasource is malformed or in an unrecognized format." |
3 | 02.015.001 | "Unable to get an UMA ticket from the Authorization Server" |
2 | 02.015.002 | "UMA Ticket for transactionId [{0}] was not found." |
3 | 02.015.003 | "Unable to parse UMA ticket response." |
3 | 02.016.001 | "Unable to parse verified sources." |
2 | 02.017.001 | "Invalid user code [{0}]" |
3 | 02.017.002 | "User code/QR code [{0}] is expired" |
2 | 02.017.003 | "Device code [{0}] is invalid or not verified" |
2 | 02.017.004 | "Invalid device scope provided: {0}." |
2 | 02.017.005 | "Device Code [{0}] not found or disabled." |
3 | 02.017.006 | "Device Access Token cannot be created" |
2 | 02.017.007 | "Device access token [{0}] not found or disabled." |
2 | 02.018.001 | "Unable to start session due to invalid wallet account." |
2 | 02.018.002 | "Session [{0}] not found or disabled." |
2 | 02.019.001 | "User Client Info could not be created." |
3 | 02.020.001 | "The data could not be signed due to an invalid secret." |
3 | 02.020.002 | "The data could not be signed due to an error: {0}" |
2 | 02.021.001 | "local encryption/decryption of private key failed" |
3 | 02.022.001 | "Unable to parse did document." |
3 | 02.022.002 | "Unable to convert DID document as JSON." |
2 | 02.022.003 | "Unable to create EC public key." |
2 | 02.022.004 | "DID document is invalid: {0}." |
2 | 02.022.005 | "Unable to find DID document for key ID [{0}]." |
1 | 02.023.001 | "Invalid login token request: {0}" |
3 | 02.023.002 | "An internal server error occurred." |
1 | 02.023.003 | "Callback state value is empty or null" |
2 | 02.023.004 | "Permission code is not provided" |
2 | 02.023.005 | "Transaction is expired" |
2 | 02.023.006 | "Request cancelled" |
1 | 02.023.007 | "Invalid grant type [{0}]." |
2 | 02.023.008 | "Unsupported grant type [{0}]." |
0 | 02.023.009 | "Device Code is expired" |
1 | 02.024.001 | "The given parameters were invalid: {0}" |
2 | 02.025.001 | "Pending auth redirect was not found." |
2 | 02.026.001 | "Delegate connection invitation was not found" |
2 | 02.026.002 | "Delegate connection invitation has expired or was revoked by the creator" |
2 | 02.026.003 | "Delegate connection invitation has already been accepted, and is awaiting confirmation from the inviter. The invitation cannot be accepted twice." |
2 | 02.026.004 | "Delegate connection invitation has already been denied, and therefore can no longer be accepted or confirmed" |
2 | 02.026.005 | "Delegate connection invitation has already been confirmed, and therefore can no longer be confirmed." |
2 | 02.026.006 | "Delegate connection invitation cannot be accepted by the same wallet account that created it" |
2 | 02.026.007 | "Delegate wallet account is not valid. Only the wallet account that created the invitation may confirm its acceptance." |
2 | 02.026.008 | "Delegate access not found" |
2 | 02.026.009 | "Delegate access was not delegated to this wallet account" |
2 | 02.026.010 | "Delegate access has expired or was revoked by the owner" |
2 | 02.026.011 | "Enrolled client with ID [{0}] not allowed to use delegate access" |
2 | 02.026.012 | "Resource has been restricted from being delegated to client" |
2 | 02.026.013 | "Delegate connection has expired or was revoked by the creator" |
2 | 02.026.014 | "Wallet account with ID [{0}] does not exist" |
2 | 02.026.015 | "State parameter value in the request is invalid. {0}" |
2 | 02.026.016 | "Filter parameter value in the request is invalid. {0}" |
2 | 02.026.017 | "Delegate connection was not found." |
2 | 02.026.018 | "Delegate connection partner was not found." |
2 | 02.026.019 | "Delegated resource was not found." |
2 | 02.026.020 | "Delegate resource allowed client was not found." |
2 | 02.026.021 | "Delegate resource allowed client scope was not found." |
2 | 02.026.022 | "Delegate resource owner token was not found." |
2 | 02.026.023 | "Delegate connection invitation has not been accepted yet by the receiver" |
1 | 02.027.001 | "Data Source Type path variable in the request is invalid. {0}" |
1 | 02.027.002 | "Page Type query parameter value in the request is invalid. {0}" |
2 | 02.028.001 | "Page Type query parameter value in the request is invalid. {0}" |
2 | 02.028.101 | "Stakeholder with id [{0}] not found." |
3 | 02.028.200 | "Connection with ID [{0}] does not exist" |
3 | 02.028.900 | "Wallet account does not have credentials to access verifiable credentials." |
3 | 02.028.210 | "Object [{0}] was not found at the remote service" |
2 | 02.028.211 | "A bad request was issued to the remote service at: [{0}]" |
3 | 02.028.220 | "An error occurred at the remote service at: [{0}]. Please contact your administrator." |
1 | 02.028.910 | "Credential offer with the id [{0}] does not exist." |
1 | 02.028.911 | "Credential offer with the id [{0}] has already been accepted or declined." |
1 | 02.028.810 | "Credential with the id [{0}] does not exist." |
1 | 02.028.811 | "Credential with the thread id [{0}] does not exist." |
1 | 02.028.920 | "Credentials Exists but are not registered in your wallet, please contact your administrator" |
3 | 02.028.917 | "Credential offer is in an unexpected state. Please contact an administrator." |
1 | 02.028.820 | "Presentation Exchange with the id [{0}] does not exist." |
1 | 02.028.912 | "The transaction state provided in the request is invalid. {0}" |
3 | 02.028.913 | "Proof Request offer with the id [{0}] does not belong to this wallet user" |
3 | 02.028.914 | "Proof Request offer with the id [{0}] does not exist." |
3 | 02.028.915 | "Proof Request offer with the id [{0}] has already been accepted, declined or abandoned" |
1 | 02.028.921 | "No valid Credential to respond to proof request with ID [{0}]" |
1 | 02.029.001 | "There are no records of revocation for the credential with the id [{0}]." |
1 | 02.030.001 | "The provided redirect_uri hint [{0}] did not match with the configured redirect URI." |
3 | 02.031.001 | "Localization not resolved: " |
2 | 02.000.001 | "Internal server error occurred" |