Deploying the Authorization Server
Please ensure that you have Helm installed correctly before proceeding with the steps outlined below. Refer to Installing Helm for details.
Authorization Server Deployment using Helm Charts
FPX is packaged as a Helm chart. There are two ways to gain access to the chart, either directly via the chart source code, or by adding the remote repository:
$ helm repo add identos
It should then show up with the command:
$ helm repo list
Finally, to install the Helm chart, run the following command:
$ helm upgrade --install fpx identos/fpxcore -f configuration.yaml --version v2.1.4
During the installation, the components network will be deployed. Installation is complete when you run the following command and all deployments are ready, up-to-date and available (the numbers may differ based on the configuration applied):
$ kubectl get deployments
fpx-authapi 1/1 1 1 2m6s
fpx-authserver 1/1 1 1 2m6s
Assuming that ingress objects were enabled as part of the installation, the deployed HTTP endpoints can be shown:
$ kubectl get ing
fpx-authapi 80, 443 6m6s
fpx-authserver 80, 443 6m6s
Configuration for a Helm chart is provided as a YAML formatted file. The following table lists the configuration parameters, a description and their default values.
The first half of the table defines configuration parameters for the Authorization Server and the second half focuses on the parameters for Authorization Server API.
Server Helm Chart Config
Parameter | Description | Default |
authorizationServer.enabled | If an Authorization Server should be deployed. | true |
authorizationServer.replicaCount | Number of replicas to deploy of the Authorization Server, set to a number > 1 for redundancy purposes. | 1 |
authorizationServer.image.credentials | Name of the secret within the deploy namespace that contains the credentials for the container image. | identos |
authorizationServer.image.repository | The repository URL for the container image. | null |
authorizationServer.image.tag | The specific tag/version of the docker image. | null |
authorizationServer.image.pullPolicy | Pod container pullPolicy setting, see for details. | Always |
authorizationServer.ingress.enabled | Boolean value enabling or disabling the creation of an ingress record. | false |
authorizationServer.ingress.annotations | Any custom annotations for this ingress record. | {} | | Hostname with which an ingress record can be configured. | null |
authorizationServer.application.config | Full application configuration for the FPX Authorization Server. Click here for details. | "" |
authorizationServer.application.enableHTTPS | Setting this value to 'true' will enable full end-to-end TLS encryption to application container. | true |
authorizationServer.application.port | TCP Port that application will be listening on. | 8080 |
authorizationServer.extraEnv | Extra environment variables to inject into container. | {} |
authorizationServer.nodeSelector | Node selector rules. | {} |
authorizationServer.tolerations | Any node taints to tolerate. | {} |
authorizationServer.affinity | Any resource affinities for node selection. | {} |
authorizationServer.refresh | Useful parameter to force application to restart when new configurations are applied. | 1 |
authorizationServer.deployment.annotations | This will discover deploymentconfigs/deployments/daemonsets/statefulset/rollouts automatically. | null |
authorizationServer.ingress.tls.hosts | Hostname of the environment. | null |
authorizationServer.keystores.https.alias | The alias (or name) under which the key is stored in the keystore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationServer.keystores.https.enabled | Enable HTTPS. | true |
authorizationServer.keystores.https.jwks | The key itself as a md5 encoded PKCS12 KeyStore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationServer.keystores.https.password | The password of the keystore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationServer.keystores.signingKey.enable | Key used for signing/verifying. | null |
authorizationServer.suffix | Suffix value for the Auth API application. | null |
Admin API Helm Chart Config
Parameter | Description | Default |
authorizationApi.enabled | If an Authorization Server should be deployed. | true |
authorizationApi.replicaCount | Number of replicas to deploy of the Authorization Server, set to a number > 1 for redundancy purposes. | 1 |
authorizationApi.image.credentials | Name of the secret within the deploy namespace that contains the credentials for the container image. | identos |
authorizationApi.image.repository | The repository URL for the container image. | null |
authorizationApi.image.tag | The specific tag/version of the docker image. | null |
authorizationApi.image.pullPolicy | Pod container pullPolicy setting, see for details. | Always |
authorizationApi.ingress.enabled | Boolean value enabling or disabling the creation of an ingress record. | false |
authorizationApi.ingress.annotations | Any custom annotations for this ingress record. | {} | | Hostname to configure the ingress record with. | null |
authorizationApi.application.config | Full application configuration for the FPX Authorization Server. Click here for details | "" |
authorizationApi.application.enableHTTPS | Full end-to-end TLS encryption to application container. | true |
authorizationApi.application.port | TCP Port that application will be listening on. | 8080 |
authorizationApi.extraEnv | Extra environment variables to inject into container. | {} |
authorizationApi.nodeSelector | Node selector rules. | {} |
authorizationApi.tolerations | Any node taints to tolerate. | {} |
authorizationApi.affinity | Any resource affinities for node selection. | {} |
authorizationApi.refresh | Useful parameter to force application to restart when new configurations are applied. | 1 |
authorizationApi.ingress.tls.hosts | Hostname of the environment. | null |
authorizationApi.ingress.tls.secretName | Refers to the SSL certificates required for HTTPS. | null |
authorizationApi.keystores.https.alias | The alias (or name) under which the key is stored in the keystore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationApi.keystores.https.enabled | Enable HTTPS. | true |
authorizationApi.keystores.https.jwks | The key itself as a md5 encoded PKCS12 KeyStore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationApi.keystores.https.password | The password of the keystore. This needs to be in a base64 encoded format. Refer to the Keystore Creation and Configuration section for details. | null |
authorizationApi.keystores.signingKey.enable | Key used for signing/verifying. | null |
authorizationApi.suffix | Suffix value for the Authorization Server API. | null |
authorizationApi.deployment.annotations | Allows you to add custom annotations to the deployment object. | null |
Keystore Creation and Config
The Authorization Server deployment configuration YAML consists of several parameters that address keystore values. The keystore is used to store the custom signing encryption keys for the Authorization Server and the Authorization Server API. The parameters used to define keystore related values are:
- authorizationServer.keystores.https.alias
- authorizationServer.keystores.https.enabled
- authorizationServer.keystores.https.jwks
- authorizationServer.keystores.https.password
- authorizationServer.keystores.signingKey.enable
- authorizationApi.keystores.https.alias
- authorizationApi.keystores.https.enabled
- authorizationApi.keystores.https.jwks
- authorizationApi.keystores.https.password
- authorizationApi.keystores.signingKey.enable
In order to populate the alias, JWKS key and password parameters, the following steps need to be executed:
1) Generate a keystore and alias key.
2) Apply base64 encoding for the alias name, password and JWKS key.
3) Update these base64 encoded values into the YAML config file.
To generate the key and the keystore, run the following command:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore AS.jks -alias <custom_alias> -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keysize 2048 -ext KeyUsage=keyCertSign -validity 10000
IMPORTANT: The Keystore alias defined should always be in lower case. The alias can be of alpha-numeric characters only.
To apply the base64 encoding for the alias name, password and JWKS key, run the following commands:
echo <alias name> | base64
echo <password> | base64
echo <JWKS Key> | base64
These commands will return the values in the base64 encoded format. Enter the encoded values in the configuration parameters listed above.
For production environments, it is recommended that individual keystores and key values exist for the Authorization Server and the Authorization Server API parameters.
Authorization Server Application Config
The authorizationServer.application.config
Helm chart property group contains multiple sub-parameters that are essential for the proper configuration and set up of the Authorization Server. Below is a sample code block illustrating the common values defined in authorizationServer.application.config
, followed by tables that provide details and descriptions for each sub-parameter.
server.port: 8080
server.tomcat.remote_ip_header: x-forwarded-for
server.tomcat.protocol_header: x-forwarded-proto
server.error.whitelabel.enabled: false
signerAlg: RS256
defaultLang: en
allLanguages: fr, en, es
basename: classpath:./i18n/messages
cacheEvictFixedRateString: PT8H
com.identos.idn: DEBUG
org.hibernate.SQL: DEBUG
org.hibernate.type: TRACE
location: ../logs
allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
prefix: classpath:./templates/
throw-exception-if-no-handler-found: true
pathmatch.matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher
add-mappings: false
jackson: false
mapper.default-view-inclusion: true
store-type: jdbc
initialize-schema: always
table-name: SPRING_SESSION
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://fpx-staging-fpx-mysql.fpx-staging.svc.cluster.local/authserver?useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC
username: root
password: password
open-in-view: false
dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
show_sql: false
generate_ddl: true
ddl-auto: validate
naming.physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
locations: classpath:db/migration,classpath:db/development
issuer: ${as-server-domain}
callback_endpoint: /oauth2/callback
issuer: ${as-server-domain}
register_endpoint: /oauth2/register
authorize_endpoint: /oauth2/authorize
token_endpoint: /oauth2/token
token_revocation_endpoint : ${oauth2-config.provider.token_endpoint}/revoke
jwks_endpoint: /jwks
configuration_endpoint: /.well-known/openid-configuration
account_endpoint: /account
web_authn_endpoint: /authenticate
introspection_endpoint: /oauth2/introspect
userinfo_endpoint: /api/userinfo
fetch_and_attach_userinfo: true
consent_endpoint: /discover/consent
consent_view_page: oidc_authorize
- test
- anotherone
clientDomain: ${as-server-domain}
responseType: id_token
scope: "openid"
callback_endpoint: ${oauth2-config.client.callback_endpoint}
issuer: ${as-server-domain}
registrationEndpoint: ${oauth2-config.provider.register_endpoint}
configurationEndpoint: /.well-known/uma2-configuration
jwksEndpoint: /jwks
tokenEndpoint: /transaction/token
introspectionEndpoint: ${oauth2-config.provider.introspection_endpoint}
claimsGatheringEndpoint: /transaction/claims-gathering
revocationEndpoint: /transaction/revocation
capabilityEndpoint: /transaction/capability
permissionEndpoint: /transaction/permission
- client_credentials
- urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket
- refresh_token
authzEndpoint: ${oauth2-config.provider.authorize_endpoint}
callbackEndpoint: ${oauth2-config.client.callback_endpoint}
permissionUpdateEndpoint: /permission
permissionAccessTokenEndpoint: ${uma-config.permissionUpdateEndpoint}/token
enabled: true
implicitFlowEnabled: false
issuer: ${as-server-domain}
registration_endpoint: ${oauth2-config.provider.register_endpoint}
authorization_endpoint: ${uma-config.authzEndpoint}
basePath: /oauth2/.well-known
configuration_endpoint: /openid-configuration
jwks_endpoint: /jwks
token_endpoint: ${uma-config.tokenEndpoint}
introspection_endpoint: ${uma-config.introspectionEndpoint}
resourceTypePattern: ((http|https)://){0,1}(www.){0,1}
# FPX specific configuration + configuration shared between multiple protocols
versionEndpoint: /.well-known/fpx/version
walletSelectPage: /select-wallet
walletSelectSubmitEndpoint: /submit-broker
rememberWalletFeatureEnabled: false
basePath: /registry
walletEndpoint: /wallet
umaClientEndpoint: /client
rsEndpoint: /resource-server
idpEndpoint: /identity-provider
resourceEndpoint: /resource
resourceDefinitionEndpoint: ${fpx-config.registry.resources.resourceEndpoint}/resource_definition
ticketEndpoint: /ticket
css: style.css
logo: logo
stateSessionKey: fpx-csrf-key
ignoreCsrfCheck: false
enforced: false
enabled: true
enabled: false
federated_issuer: {OIDC Provider}
enabled: true
enabled: true
defaultKeyId: rsa1
enforced: false
enabled : true
introspection: uma_protection
resourceDefinitionExpirySeconds: 1800000
accessTokenLifetimeSeconds: 300
refreshTokenLifetimeSeconds: 1800000
accountSessionTokenLifetimeInSeconds: 3600000000
agentOidcRequestLifetimeInSeconds : 25920000
patAccessTokenLifetimeInSeconds: 5000
permissionTokenLength: 16
capabilityLength: 20
accountSessionTokenLength: 24
umaRequestIdLength: 24
name: Identos
logo: identos.png
error-page-redirect-url: ${as-server-domain}
error-page-title: Error
Global Server Parameters
Configuration directives that are used for overall application configuration.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
server.port | Application port to listen for client connections on. | 8080 | Yes |
server.tomcat.remote_ip_header | Header to use as remote IP address for client connections. | x-forwarded-for | No |
server.tomcat.protocol_header | Header to use as remote protocol for client connections. | x-forwarded-proto | No |
server.error.whitelabel.enabled | Whether the server will display a generic error page | false | No |
jwt.keystore.signerAlg | The algorithm to use when signing JWTs | RS256 | Yes |
Configuration directives for localization support.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
i18n.defaultLang | Default language used for localization. | en | Yes |
i18n.allLanguages | Comma separated list of language strings to support localization for i.e. "en, fr". | en | Yes |
i18n.basename | Location for localization strings to use in static template files. | classpath:./i18n/messages | Yes |
i18n.cacheEvictFixedRateString: | Defines the frequency for cached localized string (locale,key) to be evicted and re-located from a source. | PT8H | No |
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
logging | See for logging customizations. | null | No | | Controls the level at which the application's configured loggers will be permitted to log. This applies only to loggers that exist in a package that begins with "com.identos". | DEBUG | No. If not set, defaults to INFO level |
logging.config | Sets the configuration file for application logging. This value will output structured logs in compressed, single-line JSON format. To view the logs in a human-readable format (i.e. for development purposes), this value can be set to classpath:logback-dev.xml . | classpath:logback-spring.xml | No. If not set, defaults to classpath:logback-spring.xml. |
Spring Framework Properties
Configuration for the Spring framework. Additional information on these properties can be found here.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding | Whether the Spring Framework allows existing Bean definitions to be overridden by new Beans with the same name. | true | Yes |
spring.thymeleaf.prefix | Location of template files for Wallet selection and error pages. Can use external sources such as https:// | classpath:./templates/ | Yes |
spring.mvc.throw-exception-if-no-handler-found | Returns an exception for 404 errors and allows the administrator to define a custom response | true | Yes |
spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy | This parameter is related to the spring.web.resources.add-mappings parameter and enables mapping via an ant path. | ant_path_matcher | Yes |
spring.web.resources.add-mappings | Defines whether to use spring default resource mappings - default mappings have been replaced with specifically configured mappings | false | Yes | | If enabled or set to 'true', an exception is thrown to indicate empty objects as non-serializable types; if disabled (false), they are serialized as empty Objects, i.e. without any properties. | false | Yes |
spring.jackson.mapper.default-view-inclusion | All properties not explicitly marked as being part of a JSON view, are serialized. | true | Yes |
Database Configuration
Database configuration for the authorization server.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
---|---|---|---| | Session store type. | jdbc | No |
spring.session.jdbc.initialize-schema | Database schema initialization mode. | always | No |
spring.session.jdbc.table-name | Name of the database table used to store sessions. | SPRING_SESSION | No |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name | Driver to use for DB connections (only mysql supported). | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver | Yes |
spring.datasource.url | Connection string to use for DB connections. | jdbc:mysql://database-hostname/authserver | Yes |
spring.datasource.username | Username for database connection. | username | Yes |
spring.datasource.password | Password for database connection. | password | Yes | | Enable/Disable Spring open in view. | false | Yes |
spring.jpa.hibernate.dialect | Spring hibernate dialect (only MySQL supported). | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect | Yes |
spring.jpa.hibernate.show_sql | Show all SQL queries that are run against the database source in the logs. | false | No |
spring.jpa.hibernate.generate_ddl | A flag that determines whether a SQL Database should be initialized at start-up. | true | Yes |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | There are two options to manage the underlying database schema when working with JPA and Hibernate (leveraged by all backend IDENTOS components): 1) You can encapsulate schema changes in migration scripts and use a tool, like Flyway, to apply the migration scripts upon starting the application. This is the method we will use to generate and update the schema for the authorization server and the Admin Server. 2) You can generate or update the database schema from the JPA and Hibernate entity mappings (extrapolate the domain classes/entity mappings of the deployed server and auto generate the database schema) the using the tool. We will not use this method to generate the schema for any of the components. This is why the value for this field should be set to "validate" as this option instructs Hibernate to ONLY validate the underlying database schema against the entity mappings. | validate | Yes |
spring.flyway.locations | Location for DB migration scripts. | classpath:db/migration,classpath:db/development | Yes |
OAuth 2 Configuration Settings
Configuration parameters required to successfully set up the OAuth 2 protocol.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
oauth2-config.client.callback_endpoint | Endpoint used on callbacks with the Authorization Server in its role as an OAuth client. | /oauth2/callback | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.issuer | Issuer URL used by the Authorization Server for the OAuth 2 protocol. | AS Server Domain Name | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.register_endpoint | Endpoint for Dynamic Client Registration. | /oauth2/register | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.authorize_endpoint | Defines the OAuth 2 authorization endpoint of the Authorization Server. It needs to be appended to the issuer URL defined in the parameter above. | /oauth2/authorize | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.token_endpoint | URL of the Authorization Server's token endpoint. | /oauth2/token | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.jwks_endpoint | URL of the Authorization Server's JWK Set document, containing the signing keys the client uses to validate signatures from the Authorization Server. | /jwks | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.configuration_endpoint | Path to OIDC configuration endpoint. | /.well-known/openid-configuration | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.account_endpoint | Path to OIDC account endpoint. | /account | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.web_authn_endpoint | Path to OIDC web authentication endpoint. | /authenticate | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.introspection_endpoint | URL of the Authorization Server's OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint. | /oauth2/introspect | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.userinfo_endpoint | URL of the Authorization Server's userinfo endpoint. | /api/userinfo | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.fetch_and_attach_userinfo | Whether to fetch and attach userinfo. | true | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.consent_endpoint | URL of the Authorization Server's OIDC consent endpoint. | /discover/consent | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.consent_view_page | Identifier of the HTML template to use when displaying the consent page. | oidc_authorize | Yes |
oauth2-config.provider.custom_grant_types | Custom grant types may be specified here. | No | |
oauth2-config.provider.token_revocation_endpoint | Path to token revocation API if enabled | ${oauth2-config.provider.token_endpoint}/revoke | No |
OIDC Configuration Settings
OIDC configuration settings including both client / server settings.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
oidc-config.client.clientDomain | This must be set to the host address of the Authorization Server itself. This, along with the value set for oidc-config.client.callbackEndpoint are appended to build the redirect URI parameter as part of its OIDC transaction with the Wallet Server (an OIDC relationship where Wallet Server is the provider to the Authorization Server). | | Yes |
oidc-config.client.responseType | OIDC response type on successful token endpoint call. Suggested value causes an id_token return at the token endpoint. | id_token | Yes |
oidc-config.client.scope | Scope applied to the initial OAuth authorize call made by the Authorization Server to the Wallet to create an outgoing identity request - enabling user to log in to FPX. | openid | Yes |
oidc-config.client.callbackEndpoint | Path to OIDC callback endpoint for generating an authorization code after authentication. | /transaction/callback | Yes |
Application Settings
General application settings that are relate to html pages served directly from the Authorization Server, such as error pages.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
---|---|---|---| | Name of the application displayed on the error page. | Sample Application | No |
app.logo | Filename of the image to be used as the application logo. | logo.png | No |
app.error-page-redirect-url | Redirect URL when redirecting from the default error page. | Yes | |
app.error-page-title | Name of the error page as displayed on the error page header. | Error | No |
UMA Configuration Settings
UMA configuration settings including endpoint and supported grant types.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
uma-config.issuer | Issuer of tokens generated by the server, should be the location of the Authorization Server itself. | | Yes |
uma-config.registrationEndpoint | Path to UMA registration endpoint. | /register | Yes |
uma-config.configurationEndpoint | Path to UMA configuration discovery endpoint. | /.well-known/uma2-configuration | Yes |
uma-config.jwksEndpoint | Path to UMA JWKS endpoint. | /jwks | Yes |
uma-config.tokenEndpoint | Path to UMA token introspection endpoint. | /transaction/introspect | Yes |
uma-config.introspectionEndpoint | Path to UMA introspection endpoint. | /transaction/introspect | Yes |
uma-config.claimsGatheringEndpoint | Path to UMA claims gathering endpoint. | /transaction/claims-gathering | Yes |
uma-config.revocationEndpoint | Path to UMA revocation endpoint. | /transaction/revocation | Yes |
uma-config.capabilityEndpoint | Path to UMA capability endpoint. | /transaction/capability | Yes |
uma-config.permissionEndpoint | Path to UMA permissions endpoint. | /transaction/permission | Yes |
uma-config.grantTypesSupported | Grant types supported. | ["client_credentials", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket", "refresh_token"] | Yes |
uma-config.authzEndpoint | Path to UMA authorization endpoint. | /transaction/authorize | Yes |
uma-config.callbackEndpoint | Path to UMA callback endpoint. | /transaction/callback | Yes |
uma-config.permissionUpdateEndpoint | Path to UMA permission update endpoint. | /permission | Yes |
uma-config.permissionAccessTokenEndpoint | Path to UMA permission token endpoint. | /permission/token | Yes |
SMART on FHIR Configuration Settings
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
smart-config.enabled | SMART on FHIR enabled flag | true | Yes |
smart-config.issuer | SMART on FHIR token issuer, should be the URL to the Authorization Server. | | Yes |
smart-config.registration_endpoint | SMART on FHIR registration endpoint. | /register | Yes |
smart-config.authorization_endpoint | SMART on FHIR authorize endpoint. | /oauth2/authorize | Yes |
smart-config.wellknown.basepath | Base path for SMART on FHIR well known path. | /oauth2/.well-known | Yes |
smart-config.wellknown.configuration_endpoint | Path to OAuth 2.0 configuration discovery endpoint. This is appended to {smart-config.wellknown.basepath} | /openid-configuration | Yes |
smart-config.wellknown.jwks_endpoint | SMART on FHIR JWKS endpoint. | /jwks | Yes |
smart-config.token_endpoint | SMART on FHIR token endpoint. | /transaction/token | Yes |
smart-config.introspection_endpoint | SMART on FHIR introspection endpoint. | /transaction/introspect | Yes |
smart-config.launch.resourceTypePattern | The REGEX pattern with which SMART resources' type parameter must conform to. | ((http | https)://){0,1}(www.){0,1} |
smart-config.launch.resourceTypeURL | Static resource type of the SMART launch resource, shared when attempting to access information in order to use a SMART on FHIR app. | | Yes |
FPX Server Configuration Settings
Base Authorization Server configuration, including registry endpoints and Wallet usage configuration.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
fpx-config.versionEndpoint | Endpoint to display the FPX version. | /.well-known/fpx-version | Yes |
fpx-config.wallet.walletSelectPage | Endpoint to display the Wallet selection template page. | /select-wallet | Yes |
fpx-config.wallet.walletSelectSubmitEndpoint | Endpoint where the Wallet selection template page will be submitted. | /submit-broker | Yes |
fpx-config.wallet.rememberWalletFeatureEnabled | Enable or disable the remember wallet feature within the selection template. | false | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.basePath | Base path for all registry endpoints. | /registry | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.clients.walletEndpoint | Registry endpoint for Wallets. | /wallet | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.clients.umaClientEndpoint | Registry endpoint for UMA clients. | /client | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.clients.rsEndpoint | Registry endpoint for resource servers. | /resource-server | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.clients.idpEndpoint | Registry endpoint for identity providers. | /identity-provider | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.resources.resourceEndpoint | Registry endpoint for resources. | /resource | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.resources.resourceDefinitionEndpoint | Registry endpoint for resource definitions. | /resource/resource_definition | Yes |
fpx-config.registry.resources.ticketEndpoint | Registry endpoint for tickets. | /ticket | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
fpx.oidc.client.stateSessionKey | Key to use for session state parameter. | fpx-csrf-key | Yes |
fpx.oidc.client.ignoreCsrfCheck | Defines whether to not perform a cross-site request forgery check. | false | Yes |
fpx.oidc.client.pkce.enforced | Defines whether to enforce the use of proof key for code exchange. | false | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.self-hosted.enabled | Defines whether the Authorization Server will act as an identity provider. | true | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.federated.enabled | Defines whether the Authorization Server will federate to an external identity provider. | false | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.federated.federated_issuer | The issuer URL to use when the federation setting is enabled | {OIDC Provider} | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.uma.enabled | Defines whether the Authorization Server will use UMA protocol. | true | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.JWT-token.enabled | Defines whether the Authorization Server will use JWTs. | true | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.jwt.defaultKeyId | The default ID key for the JWT. | rsa1 | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.pkce.enforced | Defines whether to enforce the use of proof key for code exchange. | false | Yes | | Granted authority to use for introspection. | uma_protection | Yes |
fpx.oidc.provider.revoke-token.enabled | Defines whether clients are able to Revoke access tokens and refresh tokens | true | No, default true |
Server defaults and expiry values
Basic defaults including token length and expiry for those same tokens.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
default.expiry-duration-params.resourceDefinitionExpirySeconds | Resource definition maximum expiry when shared in seconds. | 1800000 | Yes |
default.expiry-duration-params.accessTokenLifetimeSeconds | Access token expiry in seconds. | 300 | Yes |
default.expiry-duration-params.refreshTokenLifetimeSeconds | Refresh token expiry in seconds. | 300 | Yes |
default.expiry-duration-params.accountSessionTokenLifetimeInSeconds | Account session token expiry in seconds. | 3600000000 | Yes |
default.expiry-duration-params.agentOidcRequestLifetimeInSeconds | Wallet OIDC request expiry in seconds. | 25920000 | Yes |
default.expiry-duration-params.patAccessTokenLifetimeInSeconds | Permission access token expiry for Resource Servers in seconds. | 5000 | Yes |
default.length-params.permissionTokenLength | String length of the randomly generated IDs of permissions. | 16 | Yes |
default.length-params.capabilityLength | String length of the randomly generated IDs of capabilities. | 20 | Yes |
default.length-params.accountSessionTokenLength | String length of the randomly generated IDs of account session tokens. | 24 | Yes |
default.length-params.umaRequestIdLength | String length of the randomly generated IDs of UMA requests. | 24 | Yes |
Authorization Server Admin API Application Config
The authorizationApi.application.config
parameter is used to define the main elements for the Authorization Server API - the administrative API for the Authorization Server.
Without clearly defining these parameters, the setup of the AS API will fail and limit the integration of the other parties with the Authorization Server.
Below is a sample code block illustrating the common values defined in authorizationApi.application.config
followed by a table that provides details and descriptions for each sub-parameter. The most important configuration is to ensure that the Authorization Server API database section points to the same database as the Authorization Server.
Note that the values shown for spring.datasource.username
and spring.datasource.password
are placeholders and should be replaced with credentials for the specific database used in your deployment.
server.port: 8080
server.error.include-binding-errors: ALWAYS
server.error.include-exception: true
server.error.include-message: ALWAYS
server.error.include-stacktrace: ALWAYS
livenessState.enabled: true
readinessState.enabled: true
enabled: true
include: "health"
com.sbic.idn: DEBUG
org.springframework.web: DEBUG
org.hibernate.SQL: DEBUG
org.hibernate.type: TRACE true
store-type: jdbc
initialize-schema: always
table-name: SPRING_SESSION
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://fpx-staging-fpx-mysql.fpx-staging.svc.cluster.local:3306/authserver
output.ansi.enabled: ALWAYS
generate-ddl: false
ddl-auto: validate
show-sql: true
naming.physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
modelPackage: 'com.sbic.idn.entity'
pageSize: 1000
maxPageSize: 10000
path: /json-api
enabled: true
path: /graphql/api/v1
enabled: false
path: /json-api/openapi
enabled: true
version: "v1.0"
name: AuthServer Admin API
Spring Actuator Configuration
Make the following configurations to enable Spring Actuator and monitor the health of the Authorization Server. By default, these
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
---|---|---|---| | This parameter configures whether the liveness state health check is enabled or not. | true | No | | This parameter configures whether the readiness state health check is enabled or not. | true | No | | This parameter configures whether the liveness and readiness probes are enabled or disabled. The value should be in Boolean, which means when the value is set to "true", the health probes will be enabled. This parameter is inter-related to the and parameters described above which means that the value of one of these parameters along with the value of must be set to true for the functionality to work. | true | No |
endpoints.web.exposure.include | There are various actuator endpoints that allow us to monitor and interact with the application. Each endpoint can be enabled and disabled individually. This parameter allows us to configure the specific actuator endpoint that we need enabled. In this case, the "health" endpoint is being enabled to get information on the health of the application. | health | No |
Logging and Response Output
These settings control what should be logged and at what level of detail, as well as the information returned in Authorization Server Admin API error responses. Because this is an Admin API, we are not concerned with stack traces and application internals being returned in responses. Therefore, these can be left as default for the majority of use cases.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
server.error.include-binding-errors | The server will not be prevented from including binding errors in error response payloads. | ALWAYS | No |
server.error.include-exception | The server will not be prevented from including exceptions in error response payloads. | true | No |
server.error.include-message | The server will not be prevented from including messages in error response payloads. | ALWAYS | No |
server.error.include-stacktrace | The server will not be prevented from including stack traces in error response payloads. | ALWAYS | No | | Controls the level at which the Authorization Server Admin API logs will be output. | DEBUG | No | | Controls the level at which the Spring framework Web logs will be output. | DEBUG | No | | Controls the level at which the Hibernate framework SQL logs will be output. | DEBUG | No | | Controls the level at which the Hibernate framework SQL binding type logs will be output. | DEBUG | No | | This will format the SQL that is output to the logs to make it more readable. | true | No |
Authentication Token Configuration
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
as-admin.staticTokens | Defines an array of values for static authorization tokens. The Authorization Server Admin API will expect one of these values to be included as an Authorization header on all requests. | a UUID | Yes |
Database Configuration
Database configuration for the Authorization Server API.
Parameter | Description | Suggested Value | Required |
---|---|---|---| | Session store type. | jdbc | No |
spring.session.jdbc.initialize-schema | Database schema initialization mode. | always | No |
spring.session.jdbc.table-name | Name of the database table used to store sessions. | SPRING_SESSION | No |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name | MySQL Driver name. | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver | Yes |
spring.datasource.url | Driver to use for DB connections. | jdbc:mysql://fpx-staging-fpx-mysql.fpx-staging.svc.cluster.local:3306/authserver | Yes |
spring.datasource.username | Username for database connection. | root | Yes |
spring.datasource.password | Password for database connection. | password | Yes |
spring.jpa.hibernate.dialect | Spring hibernate dialect (only MySQL supported). | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect | Yes |
spring.jpa.generate-ddl | A flag that determines whether a SQL Database should be initialized at start-up. | false | Yes |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | There are two options to manage the underlying database schema when working with JPA and Hibernate (leveraged by all backend IDENTOS components): 1) You can encapsulate schema changes in migration scripts and use a tool, like Flyway, to apply the migration scripts upon starting the application. This is the method we will use to generate and update the schema for the authorization server and the Admin Server. 2) You can generate or update the database schema from the JPA and Hibernate entity mappings (extrapolate the domain classes/entity mappings of the deployed server and auto generate the database schema). We will not use this method to generate the schema for any of the components. This is why the value for this field should be set to "validate" as this option instructs Hibernate to ONLY validate the underlying database schema against the entity mappings. | validate | Yes |
JSON API Configuration
The parameters under the elide
section are used to expose JSON APIs and configure their URL paths. IDENTOS recommends that these be left at the default values. For more information, refer to Elide Setup.