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Integrating with the Authorization Server

Once an Authorization Server is set up correctly refer to Configuring the Authorization Server, some additional steps and configurations need to be executed on the other components of the FPX landscape for them to integrate successfully with the Authorization Server. These can be considered reciprocal actions executed on those components to match the configuration executed via the Authorization Server API.

The main integration points are:

  • Resource Server Adapter Integration
  • Wallet Integration
  • Client Integration

While some of these integration items may be performed by the operating admin of the FPX network, others may be executed by FPX partners who are not the FPX administrators.


Since the Resource Server Adapter and Wallet are core FPX components, the reciprocal integration steps for these components to the Authorization Server are addressed under their respective sections within this guide. Refer to OIDC-Authorization Server Integration or LDAP-Authorization Server Integration for more details related to the Resource Server Adapter or the Wallet-Authorization Server Integration chapter for steps related to the Authorization Server integration with the Wallet. The Client integration details are listed as part of this chapter.