FPX Wallet
The IDENTOS FPX Wallet is a software product that is made to be white-labelled and operated for a user population within an FPX ecosystem. The application is used through a user interface (mobile and/or web) to accomplish the following high-level tasks:
- Create and protect a user account.
- Provide authentication mechanisms to the user by connecting to valid and authorized identity providers.
- Accept, review and provide consent/authorization to incoming requests to access data (on the Resource Servers)
- View and control previous activity, including revoking authorization.
Wallet Architecture
The Wallet is the user's place to collect connections to data sources and use those connections to respond to a client/service provider's data requests.
This section of the user guide will help you understand more about the FPX Wallet and how it fits into the FPX ecosystem. It will include the installation, configuration and monitoring of the FPX Wallet. Jump to any of the following chapter for more details: